Five years ago, I was a “newbie” Life Coach conducting workshops from my Living Room.
This year, I was in Kenya training hundreds of high school students and Maasai Warriors.
Truthfully………Both were incredibly fulfilling.
I’m not going to tell you that to be a rockstar coach you must have hundreds of clients
charging thousands of dollars. Because the TRUTH IS – when you change a life – there is a
contentment that spreads across your heart and soul like no other.
Here’s what Ideal LifeVision Certification can do for you!
- Be a Mentor/Coach
- Rights to use Ideal LifeVision Signature System
- Live your purpose
- Contentment in changing lives!
- Work from home
- Business in a box
- Referrals from Happy Client
- Opportunity to come to Africa or India to train
Finally, A tool that will guarantee
Your client’s Success and Make you
Look like a ROCK STAR !!
[vc_iconbox type=”icon_left” icon=”money” title=”More Clients & Money” link_text=”Learn More”] If you’re looking to attract more clients, make more money and get better results for your clients, then you’re in the right place[/vc_iconbox]
[vc_iconbox type=”icon_left” icon=”comments-o” title=”Help Your Clients” link_text=”Learn More”]If you want to live your ideal life by helping your clients live theirs, then I have an exciting program to share with you.[/vc_iconbox]
[vc_iconbox type=”icon_left” icon=”group” title=”Happy Clients” link_text=”Learn More”]The easiest way to gain new clients is to make sure your current ones are happy. Happy Clients = More business for you.[/vc_iconbox]
Coaching would be easier if:
• You could be with your client 24/7 whispering in their ear “Don’t eat that cupcake!”
• You could drag them out of bed at 6:00 am to hit the gym
• You could make them pick up the phone to call their prospects
• You could find a way to shift their mindset
What if I told you there was a way to do this?
Now there is. You have the opportunity to be one of the few coaches with access to this tool, a breakthrough system that increases results and boosts client satisfaction.
In this program, I will personally teach you how to use the Ideal LifeVision tool to help your clients move ahead and reach their goals.
The best part? You don’t have to spend hundreds of hours figuring it out on your own. I’ve been through the trial and error process for you, so what you get is a proven tool that will work time after time with clients of all varieties.
What others are saying about Ideal LifeVision Certification
[vc_testimonial author=”Becky Rogers”]When I wrote my Ideal LifeVision I never pictured actually being able to teach it, but the results I got from using it myself were so astounding that I had a hard time not sharing with everyone. I have enjoyed every minute of the Ideal LifeVision Coaching Certification program. Ann has this down to a science and has created a simple to duplicate formula for success that is changing my life in every way, particularly my professional and financial life. I am passionate about teaching people Ideal LifeVision, but my absolute favorite part is watching it work for them. It’s all about creating miracles!”[/vc_testimonial]
[vc_testimonial author=”Lisa Walker” company=”Founder of Transforming Your Results”]“Before implementing LifeVision, Barbara had been stuck for 12 years in a dead end and toxic job environment with very low pay. She did not see the possibility of ever leaving it. I coached her on how to develop her LifeVision, and in her Professional/Financial section, she mapped out how she would leave her job and begin a new and exciting career as a speaker’s agent, as well as add some additional income streams. Within four weeks of recording and listening to her LifeVision daily, she was offered a position with an established speaker’s agency, attracted four successful speakers to book, and quit her job! She is so excited about what the future holds and the incredible earning potential, and she credits LifeVision and the coaching she received as the catalyst for her new and successful life.”[/vc_testimonial]
[vc_actionbox type=”primary” controls=”right” title=”Set Up a Time ” message=”with Ann Webb to ask questions or get registered!” button1=”Set Up Time” link1=”” style1=”default” size1=”big” style2=”default”]
Ideal LifeVision will give you the ability to assist your clients in:
• Getting crystal clear on their action plan and vision
• Seeing both the Big Vision and the Daily Details
• Getting more out of your coaching and actually implementing it
• Figuring out how to balance their business and personal life
• Getting in the driver’s seat and taking control of their life
Imagine making an extra $2000 – $10,000 monthly!
Sell the complete “Creating Your Ideal LifeVision” program for $197 (with no coaching)
Train LIVE 1-2 day workshops to rooms full of people or at corporate retreats
Work one-on-one with individual clients who are willing to pay you hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars to create their Ideal LifeVision
Coach clients worldwide using weekly tele-workshops
Host quarterly Re-Vision retreats for those who need to revise their LifeVisions
Hold VIP days and/or platinum programs for clients who want your expertise to help them reach their goals using their own Ideal LifeVision
Add Ideal LifeVision to your current practice
What do you get when you enroll in the Ideal LifeVision Certified Coach Training Program?
With your Ideal LifeVision Certified Coach Training Program you get:
[vc_iconbox type=”icon_left” icon=”check” title=”Six Sessions (90 minutes each) taught by me personally that will leave you clear, inspired and ready to transform your coaching practice” link_text=”Learn More”][/vc_iconbox]
[vc_iconbox type=”icon_left” icon=”check” title=”Marketing training and support to help you attract Ideal LifeVision clients” link_text=”Learn More”]
[vc_iconbox type=”icon_left” icon=”check” title=”License to purchase the “Creating Your Ideal LifeVision” program at wholesale (75% off of retail) including the recording system and music” link_text=”Learn More”][/vc_iconbox]
[vc_iconbox type=”icon_left” icon=”check” title=”The Ideal LifeVision logo and Certified Coach logo for you to proudly display on your website and marketing materials” link_text=”Learn More”]
[vc_iconbox type=”icon_left” icon=”check” title=”License to use ALL of the Ideal LifeVision tools and strategies with your clients either as an entire system, or in modules, depending on what YOU want to offer” link_text=”Learn More”][/vc_iconbox]
[vc_iconbox type=”icon_left” icon=”check” title=”A free “Creating Your Ideal LifeVision” program for your practice client” link_text=”Learn More”]
[vc_iconbox type=”icon_left” icon=”check” title=”Training and license rights to deliver each proprietary Ideal LifeVision section: Spiritual/Character, Physical, Relationships, Financial/Professional, Personal Development” link_text=”Learn More”][/vc_iconbox]
[vc_iconbox type=”icon_left” icon=”check” title=”One hour of one on one coaching with me on how to price your services and customize your own unique brand so you’re confident as you step out as a certified Ideal LifeVision coach” link_text=”Learn More”][/vc_iconbox]
[vc_iconbox type=”icon_left” icon=”check” title=”Special discounts on additional training, and the ability to join (retake) a future certification course at no cost” link_text=”Learn More”][/vc_iconbox]
[vc_actionbox type=”primary” controls=”right” title=”Set Up a Time ” message=”with Ann Webb to ask questions or get registered!” button1=”Set Up Time” link1=”” style1=”default” size1=”big” style2=”default”]
Sponsor an African student into Ideal LifeVision for just $3
As part of our continued outreach to the Kenya Community, we have Certified Ideal LifeVision Coaches who travel through Kenya teaching 1 day workshops on “Creating Your Ideal LifeVision”. For just $6, these students are given the full day training as well as a workbook. If you donate $3, Global LifeVision will match your donation! Thank you for your support! You are changing a life for the better.
If you can afford more, please consider it. We will match ANY donation up to $200!