Certified Coach (pay as you go)
With this option, you just simply access the coach dashboard and purchase your clients programs as needed. They are $80 for online only and $110 for online WITH manual (includes shipping)
After your first year as an ILV coach, if you want to remain “certified”, you’ll need to purchase the ILV Certified Coach Membership (your first year was included in your certification fee).
Membership has it’s benefits and there are many with this membership:
- Collateral such as fliers, scripts, templates, logos etc
- Archive of trainings calls with handouts
- Replays of Certification course (download of certification manual as well)
- Ability to post blogs on the ILV Community website
- Ability to post your events on the ILV Community website
Master Certified Coach
As a Master Certified ILV Coach, you are now enrolling and coaching multiple people per month into the Ideal LifeVision program. This is done either through one-on-one coaching, tele-workshps or LIVE Workshops. You are taking your business to the next level with online marketing, maintaining a website and blog, doing presentations, speaking etc.
- Includes the ILV Certified Coach Membership (see benefits above)
- 30 min Strategy Session with Ann Webb (monthly)
- 4 ILV programs (that bank or rollover) and can purchase additional programs for $40 each
Trainer & Franchise Owner
As a trainer and franchise owner, you have the ability to put as many people into Ideal LifeVision Program as you want for 1 annual price. This gives you the ability to do corporate trainings for a flat fee, train MLM downlines, create your own manual, and do trainings for under $99 per person. At this level, you have the maximum freedom to use ILV as a tool in unlimited ways.
Coming Soon!