Some people go through life not taking responsibility for their own health. They drift along until something goes wrong then it is off to the doctor to get it fixed. Taking charge of our health is essential in creating the optimal health required to accomplish all that we desire in life.
The practice of eating a variety of healthy foods provides the proper balanced nutrition necessary for the body. The protective and vital nutrients found in healthy foods help to prevent illness and disease.
Exercise has many health benefits as well; such as increasing your fitness level and helping you lose weight. An important and welcome benefit of exercise is that exercise can improve your mood and give you a general feeling of well-being. This is because of endorphins. Endorphins are a powerful hormone-like substances produced in the brain that function as the body’s own natural painkillers. During exercise, there is a release of endorphins in the body that are capable of producing feelings of euphoria and a general state of well-being.
When your body is allowed to perform at its peak, it will provide a high level of strength and energy, emotional balance, a lean body that moves freely, and a sharp and nimble mind. Your strong healthy body has the ability to fight off disease and illness. You only have one body, so look after it and treat it well. Jim Rohn teaches, “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” By setting effective physical fitness and health goals, you’ll maximize your life span and enjoy your life more too.
When writing your Health and Physical LifeVision consider the following:
Healthy Eating– Food is your fuel for life it also provides the building blocks for maintaining your body’s structure and health.
Exercise and Physical Activity– A fit body is a healthy body.
Life Balance – Stress management, sleep and relaxation are all important in maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle
Weight Release – Releasing weight is something many people struggle with from time to time. Gain control of your health to allow weight loss to happen.
Take the time to research different exercise programs and if needed, weight-loss programs. Ask friends and family for recommendations on programs that have been successful for them. Read a variety of books on the subject that appeal to you.
Embrace the idea that you can improve your health. Act “As If” your subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is imagined and what is real. Eventually, you will begin to think in a new and different way. As you regularly tell yourself daily through you LifeVision about the good eating and exercise habits you have, the reality transforms you. Be dedicated and committed when creating your ideal health. Once your mind is convinced you are a disciplined slim person, it starts directing you to act like that person. You begin to believe that you have control of your food intake, you love to exercise and people love to be around you.
In this Health and Physical section of your LifeVision, it is important to include as many details and motives as possible. Be specific about weight; pant size, heart rate, body fat, and other measurements. Be specific about the actual ideal with all its details; include the specifics of the plan of action. Detailed eating programs while trying to lose weight are very effective. Works out schedules are also appropriate and encouraged with the details of duration, intensity, and frequency.
If ever a motive and a big “WHY” were needed, it would be for this section. Because of mental or emotional baggage we may carry with regard to our physical body it is critical to counter that with the many positive reasons we want this change. Why do we want to have an ideal body? What difference would it make in our lives? How would we feel? Expanding on the answers to these questions is imperative as the basis for our motive.
If you are especially ambitious and want to participate in a sports event such as a triathlon or marathon, include your training schedule in your LifeVision, even if it’s just for part of a year. Name the event and month it is held and your desired outcome in terms of awards or time.
This Heath and Physical section also includes anything regarding our physical body such as posture, poise, hair, nails, and wardrobe. Making mention of these items can often be the icing on the cake.